2009.9—2013.6 山东大学物理学院 微电子学 学士
2013.9—2018.6 山东大学物理学院 凝聚态物理 博士
2020.7—至今 永利集团304am官方入口 助理教授
2018.9—2020.6 深圳大学 光学工程 博士后
1. Jin-Man Lv, B. B. Hong, Y. Tan, F. Chen, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, and G. P. Wang*, “Mid-infrared waveguiding in three-dimensional microstructured optical waveguides fabricated by femtosecond-laser writing and phosphoric acid etching,” Photonics Res. 8(3), 257-262 (2020).
2.Jin-Man Lv, Y. Z. Cheng, Q. M. Lu, J. R. Vazquez de Aldana, X. T. Hao, and F. Chen, “Femtosecond laser written optical waveguides in z-cut MgO:LiNbO3 crystal: Fabrication and optical damage investigation,” Opt. Mater. 57, 169-173 (2016).
3. Jin-Man Lv, X. T. Hao, and F. Chen, “Green up-conversion and near-infrared luminescence of femtosecond-laser-written waveguides in Er3+, MgO co-doped nearly stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystal,” Opt. Express 24(22), 25482-25490 (2016).
4. Jin-Man Lv, Y. Z. Cheng, W. H. Yuan, X. T. Hao, and F. Chen, “Three-dimensional femtosecond laser fabrication of waveguide beam splitters in LiNbO3 crystal,” Opt. Mater. Express 5(6), 1274-1280 (2015).
5. Jin-Man Lv, Y. Z. Cheng, J. R. Vazquez de Aldana, X. T. Hao, and F. Chen, “Femtosecond Laser Writing of Optical-Lattice-Like Cladding Structures for Three-Dimensional Waveguide Beam Splitters in LiNbO3 Crystal,” J. Lightwave Technol. 34(15), 3587-3591 (2016).
6. Jin-Man Lv, Z. Shang, Y. Tan, J. R. Vazquez de Aldana, and F. Chen, “Cladding-like Waveguide Fabricated by Cooperation of Ultrafast Laser Writing and Ion Irradiation: Characterization and Laser Generation,” Opt. Express 25(16), 19603-19608 (2017).
7. Jin-Man Lv, X. T. Hao, and F. Chen, “Three-dimensional waveguide coupler/beam splitter in lithium niobate crystals by femtosecond laser writing,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2017.5.14-2017.5.19